How can I detect when a player sits

I`m trying to make a script so you cannot sit unless you are the owner of that seat. Is there anything that can help me do that?

Any hint/help appreciatted.

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i don’t think you need detect when the player sits for what your doing, instead you could utilize the Disabled property and just disable the seat locally if the player does not own the seat

if you needed to detect when the player sits you can used what was mentioned above or use HumanoidStateType

A seat has a “Occupant” property.

You can make a function to detect whenever the occupant is changed like this;



Next you can check to see if the Occupant is not equal to the player

if Seat.Occupant.Parent.Name ~= "PlayerNameHere" then


After that you can jump the player if it doesn’t equal it. First you should make a value that is equal to the player and a value equal to the character

local PlayerToJump = game.Players:FindFirstChild(Seat.Occupant.Parent.Name)
local Character = PlayerToJump.Character or PlayerToJump.CharacterAdded:Wait()

Finally let’s jump them. We need to add a small wait() before though to make sure that the player is completely seated or else the jump will be set to true, but the seat will still sit the player down. Usually a wait of .1 is long enough.

Character.Humanoid.Jump = true

The final piece of code should be;

    if Seat.Occupant.Parent.Name ~= "PlayerNameHere" then
        local PlayerToJump = game.Players:FindFirstChild(Seat.Occupant.Parent.Name)
        local Character = PlayerToJump.Character or PlayerToJump.CharacterAdded:Wait()
        Character.Humanoid.Jump = true
  • Sidenote! I did not test this yet so I don’t know if it completely works, but the general idea is that.

Edit; I forgot to add a check to see if the seat’s occupant is not nil.

if Seat.Occupant ~= nil then

All in all, the final piece of code should be;

    if Seat.Occupant ~= nil then
            if Seat.Occupant.Parent.Name ~= "PlayerNameHere" then
            local PlayerToJump = game.Players:FindFirstChild(Seat.Occupant.Parent.Name)
            local Character = PlayerToJump.Character or PlayerToJump.CharacterAdded:Wait()
            Character.Humanoid.Jump = true

Thanks for your help! I`ll check that rn.

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Okie, also I forgot to mention “Seat” should be a value equal to the Seat. Like

local Seat = script.Parent -- If the script was placed inside the Seat

Ye i guessed so I think it works thx