How can I disable the anti-spam filter?

I own a clan group, and because one of our exercises includes typing really fast (jumping jacks), I was wondering if it was possible to disable the anti-spam filter using code.

I’ve already looked through ClientChatModules.ChatSettings, but I wasn’t able to find any setting related to the filter.

I’ve also looked on DevForum and Google, but I was only able to find results for chat bypasses and people requesting a way to turn the chat filter with #'s off.

If you don't know what I mean:


It would, of course, be possible to not use this exercise anymore, however that would be problematic as it’s one of the only endurance-based typing exercises. Thanks!


You can’t this is required by roblox’s ToS.

You can and I don’t think it’s required by the tos (most custom chat systems don’t have that and are fine)


I thought the TOS only covered the chat filter, not the anti-spam filter? Please correct me if I’m wrong.

If it is allowed (not against Tos, I’m not sure) you can fork (forking the chat is allowed) create a custom chat instead of using the default one, I don’t believe the default chat has this functionality, there should be a way to achieve what you need by changing something in the chat module

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The “anti-spam” or Chat Flood Detector is in a module script called “ChatFloodDetector” which is located in ChatModules (which is a direct child of the Chat service). There are certain settings you can toggle inside of that module script which could help your case. I wouldn’t really reccomend disabling it but if you think the flood detection is too sensitive you can always increase the numberMessageAllowed variable. If you are looking to remove it entirely you could probably just comment out the RegisterProcessCommandsFunction line.
