How can I find an audio, in studio, easily?

Here’s what I mean. Ever since the audio update ROBLOX removed a lot of the audios in my game. In the output it states all the unavailable audios and asks to grant permission. It gives me the ID of the audios but when I use advanced explorer filtering, using the ID, nothing comes up. I have a lot of audios in my game so I’m not going to try to go by them 1 by 1 to try to find certain ones. The name isn’t the same as the audio name, which it gives me when I try to grant permission.

IN SHORT I want to find unavailable audios in the explorer easily using the ID. Is there any way I can do this or is there some sort of tab I can see all the audios in my game? Thanks


Can you try using the Advanced Explorer Filtering beta feature, and search something like SoundId=assetid?


I missed this part, sorry. What are you searching?



Oh wow thanks! I tried just searching using the ID but I didn’t think of using the full ‘SoundID=’. You’re a life saver!

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