How can I fix my seat script to stop this animation whenever the player leaves it?

Oh alright I get it now, I’ll take another look at both and try them. Though quick question, is there any reason why I wouldn’t want them reading it from outside serverstorage? Isn’t it impossible to change client sided since its a server script?

It just sorta annoys me I guess, imagine you make a script and an exploiter just steals that script for something like their own game. It’s not nice to show the client something they don’t need to know in my opinion. Plus roblox did announce on the devforum that you should always load the animation from the animator by server-side whenever you can. They were the ones who made it so I would listen to them.

Well, I’m not sure where you think I did anything on the client’s side. It was solely all from the server, maybe you got a bit confused.

Oh no, I meant like the cheater changing things but can’t because it’s server sided. Though thanks!

Oh yeah, clients can change anything on the client but it would be client-sided meaning the stuff would only change for them on their screen and not on regular players’ screen. However, I just don’t like relying on the client too much I guess. But it’s your choice, you can use my script from serverscriptservice/serverstorage (reference the seat by doing workspace.Seat if you’re gonna do that) or take the other guy’s approach of client-side. It’s up to you my dude good luck.

There is no reason ‘not’ to do it on the client unless changing the animation would break the game, or cause an unfair advantage.

Client will be smoother, but you could also do it from the server. Its just with animations, its best to use client unless someone changing the animation would break your game.