How can I fix the ''Your mesh has to many triangles'' error?

When I try to import my mech from blender this error pops up:

I’m not sure how to fix it. Can someone help me?


Try using a decimate modifier.
If you notice some patchy areas because of it you can play around with the settings on it.

[provided you’re using blender]


Your mesh is too detailed, it has 47,1100 triangle and you can only import 10,000.

Try reducing the amount of detail on the model or split it up in different parts and import each part as a different mesh, then put them together in Studio.

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Your mesh has too much tris inside of it. Here’s what i recommend, and usually do:
in blender, Seperate the mesh into small parts by selecting the part you want to seperate, Press P, and selection. once you have all of the meshes seperated, Select them all in blender and import it using
File, Export, OBJ. Then in that window, create a name for the file, and use the following settings in the right side of the window:
Selection only (TURN ON)
Objects as OBJ Objects (TURN OFF)
Objects as OBJ Groups (TURN ON)
Press export.

Open Asset Manager in the view tab
Press the Small icon on the top of the window labeled “Bulk Import”
Go to the file path of the OBJ Model, and then select the OBJ.
Then a window will pop up
Untick all options
Click Apply All
When all meshes are confirmed to be low-poly and safe for ROBLOX, Select all meshes in the meshes tab of asset manager.
Right click all
Select “insert with location”
then you should be golden.


I was hoping this recommendation wouldn’t pop up. Splitting meshes is almost always really bad practice because it’s terrible for game performance.

This should only be used as for major assets and even then only as an absolute last resort. Without mentioning this in your post, it can lead to a lot of issues for a lot of new devs who don’t yet understand game performance and accidentally make their game unplayable.

It’s almost always better to simplify mesh geometry and use a texture when appropriate.


ah, sorry. that’s just usually what I’d do for cars, to import meshes separately so i can color the meshparts accordingly.


try using the decimate modifier and lowering subsurf and shade smoooth

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Upload your mesh in separate parts or select the whole mesh in edit mode and limited dissolve it. Alternatively, like what @Self_Reflexive said, use a decimate modifier for the mesh. I assume you’re using Blender.

I was actually looking for just this sort of modifier. I’m not the one that made the original post, but I found it very helpful for my own models. Thank you very much! :sweat_smile:


You can use “Avatar importer” under “plugins”.
Click the egg that says “custom”.
But for this method, .obj files will not appear when you are to choose the file.
You will have to convert the .obj file to fbx.
Special sites exist for this purpose, I use this one, and consider it the best, Aspose: OBJ to FBX: online OBJ to FBX converter for free.
But this method also has a limit, it is 12000 triangle count, while just normal import is 5000 max.


In blender you can turn on “statistics” to watch the amount of tris you have while modeling

you could also use the “decimate” modifier or do the “decimate geometry” feature if its too late

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