How can I get the jump power from jump height?

I have an boss character that uses ControllerManager instead of the normal Humanoid so that I have more control over it’s actions but I don’t know how to get the JumpPower from JumpHeight, and I can’t make the boss jump with the humanoid since the EvaluateStateMachine is set to false.

I did looked up on google but I only found solution for getting JumpHeight form JumpPower and that’s the opposite of what I’m looking for.

If you know how roblox is calculating this please let me know, thank you so much for your time.

Im guessing you found this post:

If you didn’t then you should take a look, and off of it you could just reverse the equation to get this:

local power = math.sqrt(2 * workspace.Gravity * height)

not sure if this is what your looking for but It should work

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That worked! And yes I did see that post but I just didn’t know how to reverse it, thank you so much!

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