How can i give players automaticly a plot

I want to make a sandbox tycoon but I don’t know how to give players automaticly a plot.
Can anyone help me?

i tried this:

local players = game:GetService(“Players”)

local plot = workspace.Plots

local function Findplot(plr)
local plotChildren = plots:GetChildren()

for i, plt in pairs(plotChildren) do
	if plt then
		if plt.Plot.Owner.Valau ~= nil then
			print("Owner Found")
			local pltNm = plt.Name
			plt.Plot.Owner.Value = plr




This belongs in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support. Please do read the category guidelines and make sure it is in the correct category. Forum feedback isn’t the place for it.

The category also isn’t meant for spoonfeeding code, so please after you move it, show any existing code or methods you have tried.

I did it now, thanks by the way.

How to make it work

All you need to do is whenever a player joins, find an empty plot and assign it to them.

First we need to detect if a player joins, we can use the PlayerAdded event from Players then fire a function.

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local function FindPlot(Plr)

Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(FindPlot) -- Runs the function FindPlot when the player joins

Now we need to loop through all of the plots and check to see if it available, if it is available then we can assign that plot to the player.

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local function FindPlot(Plr)
	local AllPlots = workspace.Plots:GetChildren()
	for index = 1, #AllPlots do
		if #AllPlots[index].Owner.Value == 0 then -- Plot is empty
			AllPlots[index].Owner.Value = Plr.Name
			game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ClientPlot:FireClient(Plr, AllPlots[index].Name)

Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(FindPlot) -- Runs the function FindPlot when the player joins

What you originally did wrong

if plt.Plot.Owner.Valau ~= nil then
Assuming that the Owner value is a string value, it will never be nil only an empty string (""), you can test this for yourself by trying to set a string value to nil - it will error because the value would never be nil, it would always find a player.

To check that the string is empty, you can either check the length is 0 using the # operator (this is what I did above) or check the string is equal to "". You also made a typo spelling Value Valau.

plt.Plot.Owner.Value = plr
Here you are setting the string value to a UserData value. To set it to the players name you need to add .Name to the end so it looks like this: plt.Plot.Owner.Value = plr.Name

thanks I’ll try
i hope it works

i have it like this is that good?

Oh, you are using an ObjectValue instead of a StringValue. That is fine however the script I wrote will need some minor changes.

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local function FindPlot(Plr)
	local AllPlots = workspace.Plots:GetChildren()
	for index = 1, #AllPlots do
		if not (AllPlots[index].Owner.Value) then -- Plot is empty
			AllPlots[index].Plot.Owner.Value = Plr
			game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ClientPlot:FireClient(Plr, AllPlots[index].Name)

Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(FindPlot) -- Runs the function FindPlot when the player joins
1 Like

I put it in the workspace and in server script service but it didn’t work and i have the remote event.
What did I do wrong?

Don’t i need to put something in a script in Clientplot remote event?

Check to see if the Owner value is changing, if it is then my script is working perfectly. I am not sure what you are wanting to do on the client side - that is up to you.

I changed everything now to string value
and i check that all the time
and it still dont work

maby this helps

Open up your output, and see if there are any errors. These errors can help us to understand what isn’t working in your scripts.

I solved this issue only a week ago for someone else: Any idea on loading in properties? - #4 by Isocortex

what modules or remote events do i need for that?

Just that module, a model in workspace with models as its children for each plot (needs primarypart), and then you’d need a serverscript such as:

--[!] local
local function create(obj)
	obj =
	return function (props)
		for prop, val in next, props do
			obj[prop] = val
		return obj

--[!] Init Events
local remotes = create "Folder" {
    Parent = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage');
    Name   = "Remotes";

local Events = {
	-- any other events you need
    toClients = create "RemoteEvent" {
        Parent = remotes;
        Name   = "toClients";

--[!] Init handlers
local StorageHandler = nil -- your data storage handler
local BuildHandler   = require(game:GetService('ServerStorage').Modules.BuildHandler).new(StorageHandler, Events) -- change the path to where the module is

--[!] Set up your client->server events here
	-- stuff stuff stuff

--[!] Player handling
local PlayerAdded = (function (Player)
	BuildHandler:assignPlot(Player) -- assign our plot
	Player.CharacterAdded:connect(function (Character)
		-- do stuff with character
	end) do
		if Player.Character then
			-- do stuff with character

game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(PlayerAdded) do
	-- do stuff with the player
	for _, Player in next, game.Players:GetChildren() do

game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function (Player)
	BuildHandler:unassignPlot(Player) -- remove our plot

--[!] Closing handler
game.OnClose = (function ()
	if not game:GetService("RunService"):IsStudio() then
		-- do stuff when we close

--[!] Main runtime
game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function (deltaTime)
	-- do our runtime stuff

if you look above you can see how i’ve done it is that good?

this is on my output
16:09:52.600 - ServerScriptService.Script:66: Expected identifier when parsing expression, got ‘)’

HeyWhatsHisFace Works’ Outline Remover Plugin Version v1.1 has loaded.

Finished Loading.

marklin2678 applied edits to script Script

HeyWhatsHisFace Works’ Outline Remover Plugin Version v1.1 has loaded.

Finished Loading.

16:09:55.315 - require(assetId) cannot be called from a client. assetId = 4794986644

16:09:55.316 - Stack Begin

16:09:55.316 - Script ‘Plugin_5075697531.Plugin.Script.Script.Script’, Line 1

16:09:55.317 - Stack End

16:09:55.598 - exception while signaling: Cannot Teleport in the Roblox Studio.

It’s a great attempt but there are several issues. I’ve added comments and fixed your script so you can see what you did wrong:

local players = game:GetService("Players") -- you used ” characters, needs to be the normal quotation characters
local plot = workspace.Plots

local function FindPlot(plr)
	local plotChildren = plots:GetChildren()
	for i, plt in pairs(plotChildren) do
		if plt then
			--> You were checking to see if it wasn't nil, but we only care if it's nil so we can give the player a new plot
			if plt.Plot.Owner.Value == nil then --> You spelled it 'valau' instead of 'Value'
				local pltNm = plt.Name
				game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ClientPlot:FireClient(plr, pltNm)
				plt.Plot.Owner.Value = plr


--[!!!] We also need to remove that old plot once a player leaves

local function RemovePlot(plr)
	local plotChildren = plots:GetChildren()
	local plot
	for i, plt in pairs(plotChildren) do
		if plt then
			--> Find the plot our player used
			if plt.Plot.Owner.Value == plr then
				plot = plt
	if plot then
		--> Remove everything the player added to the plot and clear it up for the new person
		--> Once we've done that, we can reset the plot owner value
		plot.Plot.Owner.Value = nil


Thanks it works. thank you, how can i thank you?