How can I grab a specific item in a table defined by the number of order they are in?

Can you show me how you types it in the script?.

I figured out the error.
It was because I had a previous one that would cause an error.

But the images still appear as blank.

local images = {
	12433580610, -- 2
	12433583118, -- 3
	12433583822, -- 4

local num = 1 -- define the number outside of the loop so it isn't being redeclared each iteration
-- Lua/Luau tables start at 1, so you'd want the initial value to be 1

local ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider")
function preloadAll()
	local decals = {}
	for _, id in images do
		local decal ="Decal") -- You don't *need* to use Decals, I think you can use ImageLabels as well but I haven't tested.
		decal.Texture = id
		table.insert(decals, decal)
	ContentProvider:PreloadAsync(decals) -- You need to set ContentProvider first via game GetService


while true do 
	if num > #images then -- '#' is the length operator; it returns the length of a string or a table
		num = 1  -- end the loop since there are no more images in the table

	script.Parent.Image = "rbxassetid://"..images[num]
	num += 1

Try waiting a little longer, change your task.wait to task.wait(3) just to sre if they load in at all.

Okay, I will be trying that out now to see if it works!

Still nope.
I don’t know why they keep doing this, I will check the image frame in the player gui tab.

The images are changing, but it isn’t showing.

Try checking if the ids are beinf set correctly in the properties pane etc. And check if anything else is up with the image.

What is beinf? I do not know what that is.

image1, image2, and image3

I clicked on the link and on the images tab on the develop page, they’ve been approved but on the image web page itself, it appears they’re not.

I will try clicking on linked items.

For some reason it loads

for “linked items” bu the image itself it doesn’t load.t

That’s weird. But I think I’ve had it happen before.

Best course of action is to just wait until they get approved I guess.

I’m not sure I understand. What do you mean by linked items?

How to make gui Rotating effect? - #7 by waterrunner Just use this because i figured what you’re trying to do is make a generic rotating effect.

For this would I be using a ui or a part to do so?

It uses Rotation property of any gui object.

Okay! Thank you, I will try that out now so I don’t have to upload 200 images.

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