How can i ignore a part without using raycastParam

Hey, so I’m making a gun system without using a ray cast or a bullet. It works with the mouse but I need to ignore the hair and accessory part how can I do that?

Could you maybe provide the script so we may assist you further?

if you would like to do like so then you should set accesorries Handle.CanQuery = false every time character respawns

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You could do this

local MOUSE = PLAYER:GetMouse()
-- checks if the part mouse hit is a accessory and if it is it'll return the function and do nothing --
if mouse.Target.Parent.ClassName == 'Accessory' then return end 
    -- rest of your code here --

mouse.Hit is a CFrame and does not have Parent property also mouse.Target is already being used

ye i know but it was so say like the concept

Yeah my bad, haven’t used mouse for a while

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I’m so sorry for the late reply I forgot to make this the solution thank you!