How can I learn to script like a pro?

Other then basics which I learned from the post I posted is doing stuff your self and check what
@StrongBigeMan9 said and what @FerbZides said.

In my opinion, studying and a lot of practice, including making games that may not take off but just to prepare you for games that do.

@rocko1004 Should I work solo or with someone?

I think that depends on you. You can still become a “pro scripter” on your own. If you like to work with others and find it easier than there is your answer. Personally, I like to work by myself at the moment due to previous experiences on teams…and I just find it easier :man_shrugging:

Alright thank you! Have a great night/day/evening/morning everyone! Thank you for your help.

4 things:
1: Watch youtube vids
2: Read the Roblox documentation
3: Read dev forum topics
4: Take apart free models/uncopylocked games and find out how they work