How can i made math.huge on string value? i have issue

Hello i have issue my string value becomes INF I don’t know why I can show the script:

local Name = script.Parent.Name
local Robux = script.Parent.Robux

print("Running Robux Purchases")

while wait() do
	if script.Parent.Parent.InsidePurchase then
	script.Parent.Title.Text = tostring(script.Parent.NamePass.Value)  --does the name first
		script.Parent.Price.Text = tostring(script.Parent.Robux.Value) 
		Robux.Value = math.huge --ont touch it figures robux like 2000 becomes 20,00
		Robux.Value = math.abs(Robux.Value)
		if Robux.Value == "0" then
			Robux.Value = "Free"

if u know I am making roblox purchase like roblox inside roblox without real robux but I don’t get why its not working maybe below ???

Could you put a LocalFile, so I can access-on?

math.huge returns an intractable number, thus if Robux is a StringValue, attempting to call tostring(HUGE_VAL) will give you inf. Why are you using huge?

Are you trying to format 2000 into 2,000? that’d be string formatting not math.huge

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no.rbxl (203.2 KB)

yes thats what i want

coz it fits on.

math.huge isn’t what you want then. Try searching the forums for formatting numbers with commas, like this post:

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thank you so much man i didnt know it was simple

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