How can I make a building system like retail tycoon?

I want to know how’s that system made, I’m very very new to scripting so this is gonna be a big leap from the basics.

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Hey there, look into making a grid placement system. There’s a real good tutorial by one of the G.O.A.T’s @EgoMoose. He had a tutorial on making a furniture placement system, which is basically exactly what you want (plus I guarantee it works cause I’ve used it before).


Yeah something like that takes a few months of experience programming in roblox. Ik its not the best thing to hear but my advice would be to start simpler. That system requires alot of math and roblox to work.

Getting over ambitious is the best way to be discouraged from game dev

However to make this work you would need to access the players mouse and use the Mouse.Hit property to detect where the player’s mouse is, and youd have to do some rounding and math for the grid snapping effect. And depending on how you want it, you might need server replication meaning remote events.


Agreed a program like that takes years of experience and probably as long to build. You start something like that step by step and keep adding working parts until you’re done. It’s a long term project.

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