So, how can I start making a circular health bar? I tried looking into here but I can’t understand it. Here is my health bar GUI:
I do know how to change the text of it, but I need some help with tweening the gui.
If there is already a post regarding it, then please let me know!
you have to check on a property called rotation which rotates the gui then you could do stuff with that and rotate the gui following the player health
your gui is kinda cool
Well actually I know about the rotation. But I’m trying to TweenSize not TweenPosition
Have you tried to look at this topic?
Recently, I made a Model which could be useful to most games. Yep, you read the Topic, it’s a Circular Progress. Simple and fast, so I decided to share it.
I made all necessary things for Circular Progress, such as:
Allow to change Color and Transparency of each part.
Can be used with any Decal.
Can change Circular Progress direction.
To make Circular Progress work, you only need to change percentage between 0 and 100. You can also use tween on percentage. If it is great…
You can set the percentage number by
(Humanoid.Health / Humanoid.MaxHealth) * 100
May 27, 2021, 6:30am
Make the UI using a uicorner or just get an image and update the value with the HealthChanged
It’s made with a UICorner and UIGradient
Thanks a lot! I’ll try that and reply back soon!
Thank you so much! I really appreciated your and others help!
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May 27, 2021, 7:00am
Yes, but you specifically asked for a circular health bar, not to replicate the UI seen on screen
Edit: I didn’t fully read the post, so basically I skipped some of the stuff, but you can use a gradient to make the missing health a darker color while using healthchanged to change the text on your textlabel
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That’s not a problem. I can do that part!
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How would I change the percentage number?