How can I make a Player Like Spawn But for NPCs

Fixed the issue.

Change the NPCSpawner.spawnNPCs function inside the Module to this:

function NPCSpawner.spawnNPCs(npcModel, spawnLocation)
	if spawnLocation.Name == "SpawnLocation" then
		local existingNPC = getNPCAtLocation(spawnLocation)

		local spawnCFrame
		if existingNPC then
			-- Spawn on top of existing NPC
			spawnCFrame = existingNPC.PrimaryPart.CFrame +, existingNPC.PrimaryPart.Size.Y * 2, 0)
			-- Spawn at a random position within the size of the spawnLocation
			local randomPosition = getRandomPositionInSpawnLocation(spawnLocation)
			spawnCFrame = +, spawnLocation.Size.Y * 2, 0)

		spawnNPC(npcModel, spawnCFrame)
		warn("Invalid name, expected SpawnLocation")


local NPCSpawner = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService").NPCSpawnerModule)
local npcModel = game.ServerStorage.NPCModel -- Replace with your NPC model or change this to a for loop.

-- Find all SpawnLocation objects in workspace
local spawnLocations = {}

for _, descendant in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
	if descendant.Name == "SpawnLocation" then
		table.insert(spawnLocations, descendant)

if #spawnLocations > 0 then
	NPCSpawner.spawnNPCs(npcModel, spawnLocations[math.random(1, #spawnLocations)])
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I have tried something for the forcefield, but it seems like it can’t destroy.

You can force destroy it by doing ForceField:Destroy().

I am going to try that also maybe a few things I want in it (ik i said final but I relized something) it has to basically deal with no spawns so if there is no spawns then that would mean the player would be in the air and also teamColor so basically the npc would basically go to a teamcolor if there isnt then basically it would go to any spawnlocation

I guess. Nevermind. Enjoy your day.

you still there? I haven’t gotten any responses. I’m not trying to push things

If players have no spawn point, you can assign them to a team and refresh them (which forces their spawn at a spawn plate) or manually move them to a designated spawn plate or location.