How can i make a ski lift?

Over the last few months, I’ve been obsessed with making a ski resort in Roblox. But there is no ski resort without a good, functioning lift. Basically, it would be best if there was an un-anchored part that was able to move uphill on a cord. Anyone know how to do this?

Good examples are Pine hill Ski resort,
and Nieder Alp ski resort

Much apprieciated


You can use Welds to tether the benches to a “anchor” on top, then script the “anchor” to move along a path

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Could you possibly get into some more detail with this? Im interested

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prismatic constraints can do the job

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If you want you can look at this past devpost about Ski Lifts: How would I go on making a Ski Lift for a game?

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Thats how to build one, i need to know how to make one work

There is a youtube tutorial that breaks down all the steps about spawning them, following a path, etc. It is a great resource if it is your first time making the mechanics of a lift. Just search like “How to make a ski lift in roblox studio”

My apologies, one method I could think of is by creating a sort of “Chain” of points then interpolating from point A to point A + 1 (modulus ofc). Based on the distance between one point to another you can calculate the baseSpeed of the ski lifts’ anchor.

Here’s a script and a video that kind of demonstate a basic example of a ski list, obviously a better way is to use bezier curves so it interpolates but it’s pretty much just based on interpolating between points.

local runService = game:GetService("RunService")

local points = workspace:WaitForChild("Points")
local children = points:GetChildren()

local main = workspace:WaitForChild("Main")

local baseSpeed = 4
local current = 1
local interval_time = 0

function lerp(a, b, t) return a + (b - a) * t end

function cont_modulus(n: number, g: number) return n % g == 0 and g or n % g end

function getPoint(n: number)
	return points:FindFirstChild( tostring(cont_modulus(n, #children)) )

runService:BindToRenderStep("ski rail", Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value, function(delta: number)
	if interval_time >= 1 then
		current = cont_modulus(current + 1, #children); interval_time = 0
	local point_0, point_1 = getPoint(current), getPoint(current + 1)
	local p0, p1 = point_0.Position, point_1.Position
	local distance = (p0 - p1).Magnitude
	interval_time += (baseSpeed * delta) / distance
	main.CFrame = lerp(p0, p1, interval_time) ) * CFrame.lookAt(p0, p1).Rotation
