How can I make daily quests?

What do you want to achieve?

  • I am trying to make a Quest that you can ONLY do once a day. I have a quest system and everything in place.

What is the issue? / What solutions have you tried so far?

  • The issue I am struggling with is trying to make it so that you can only do it once a day.

  • I have heard about os.time / but any posts and such I tried to look for weren’t case-specific for what I am trying to do and rather confused with me even more.

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you can try use: “os.Time” (30 char)

Please refer to my original post

Maybe this tutorial can help you.

You will have to compare current os.time() with the previous one you saved— if there’s no save; or the save is bigger then 24 hours, you’re gonna award them and Save the current os.time().

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os.time() returns the time since January 1, 1970, 12:00 AM UTC and is given in seconds,

use that to check whether 24hrs have passed since a player last logged in and now, if yes then let them be eligible for a quest.

Here is a post that explains what you would essentially do, to check whether a code (quest here) is still valid.

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