How can I make fire follow a bone on a skinnedmesh?

heyhey, need some help with something dumb

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I need a fire effect to be created on the arrowhead and to continue to follow the arrowhead when I move around. Made a simple placeholder animation with some sounds to test, then realized a little too late I had no idea how I’d get the fire to actually follow the arrowhead.

  2. What is the issue?
    It’s a part of a skinnedmesh rig, so I can’t get it to be actually on the arrowhead.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Searched for ways to have a part follow the movements of the arrow’s bone, didn’t work. Tried making the fire as a child of the bone, welding a part to the bone to set the fire on the part-- no dice

The arrow is a part of the character’s rig and the character needs to be skinnedmesh, so making him. Not a skinnedmesh isn’t really an option. If this isn’t something I can do, let me know straight up

There’s no code to provide as everything I’ve tried just didn’t work at all. Sorry if this is the wrong place or if the answer is simply “you can’t” lol. still new here and a little intimidated

You can parent the fire to an attachment on the rig.

Should be available since this release post below:

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Totally new to doing that, not quite sure how? I tried doing this following

after seeing the post and what I tried didn’t work. I put an attachment on the HRP and then connected it to the arrow’s bone with a rod constraint. The visualization of it didn’t move at all when animations played
What am I not understanding about attachments/constraints?

figured it out myself, i was being dumb