How can I make my body visible in first person?

To the normal eye this seems very easy and thats as I assumed but for some reason after my best attempts it will just not work AT ALL

this script is inside of starterCharacterScripts, and yes it does end up in the character but the code just doesnt work, I still cant see my body in first person, so why is this happening???

local Character = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Character

local FirstPersonLocalTransparency = 0;
local ThirdPresonLocalTransparency = 0;

local function SetCharacterLocalTransparency(transparency)
	for i,v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
		if (v:IsA("BasePart")) then -- Only baseparts have a LocalTransparencyModifier property.
			v.LocalTransparencyModifier = transparency;


I have a feeling I missed one thing and thats why its not working

I believe I found the place you sourced your code from, and would advice that you use the complete code instead of sections of it.

The actual code shows that the function needs to be run every time RenderStepped is fired.

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Ohhh that makes sense, I used to use this and it worked fine, guess it doesnt work anymore! Ill try it out

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