How can i make my sword hitbox more accurate?

So i have a sword that works but has the hitbox broken. Whenever a player is attacked the damage does not confirm unless the player was hit at a certain angle

(sorry about the watermark i had to compress the file)

I tried turning on collision on the handle but that didnt work either

This is the script i have in the tool

	if IsAttack == true and CoolDown == false then
		local OtherHum = OtherPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
		local PartHit = OtherPart
		local Torso = OtherPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso")
		Sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://2752894534"
		Sound.TimePosition = 0.24
		OtherHum.Health = OtherHum.Health - 20

Is there anything i can do to fix the hitbox?

I suggest using Raycasts for sword hitboxes. Or just use this module, which uses raycasts: Raycast Hitbox 4.01: For all your melee needs! - #93 by ZilverLazarus

i think that if you create a new part while the animation plays it will detect better

Is your handle’s CanCollide set to false? If not, set it to false. Also, in your script there seems to be an issue with damage being taken at either 100 or 20 so you could define a variable and use it to confirm if the action is still happening.

local Debounce = false
      if IsAttack == true and CoolDown == false then
                if not Debounce then
		        Debounce = true
		        local OtherHum = OtherPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
		        local PartHit = OtherPart
		        local Torso = OtherPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso")
		        Sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://2752894534"
		        Sound.TimePosition = 0.24
		        OtherHum.Health = OtherHum.Health - 20
                        Debounce = false	     