How can I make parts that are touched by an explosion disappear after 5 seconds? (Not solved)

You should only fire the function when a rocket explodes. As for the parts being stuck, are they unanchored? If not, it may be that before removing the items, you want to unanchor them:

for _, part in pairs(parts) do
    part.Anchored = false

They are all unanchored, All held by weld and joints.
I think itā€™s just a bug because of the amount of parts flyingā€¦
And I want to make a delay between the explosion to the parts disappearā€¦ Something like 5 seconds, How to do it?

This line already gives a 5 second delay before removing the parts. If you want to increase it, just change the 5 to be a larger number.

This script is pretty good, But itā€™s not destroying all fallen partsā€¦ Itā€™s only destroying 4 - 5, When all the other parts are on the groundā€¦

	if ExplodeEvent then
			if not IGNORE_LIST[string.lower(TouchPart.Name)] and not TouchPart:IsDescendantOf(Character) then
				if callFunction == false then
					callFunction = true

Iā€™m tired of doing this to the rocket launcherā€¦
Is there some kind of a script I can put in the model of my buildings? Or put it in every single part?