How can I make players lie down?

Before you do that, see my recommendation in post 17.

To make an animation loop you can just do Animation:Loop()

Or Animation:Looped()

—I forget which one…

And to stop the animation just do


So this?


	repeat wait() until Player.Character
	local Humanoid = Player.Character.Humanoid
	local anim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(game.Workspace.Animation)
	anim.Looped = true

Either that or Amin:Looped()

I don’t think it is a Boolean

The reason you don’t see the looped property in your explorer is because that is an animation object. You need to loop the track which is your anim variable.

So far you have everything right except for the loop part of it.

Change it to anim:Looped()

Thank you very much! @blazeswipe @99guineafowl It worked!
I have a dead player now.

Also, is there a way to disable the default animation? The player’s legs and arms look animated still, correct me if they’re not

I don’t think there is a way. Let me know if my method of looping the animation worked. I’m kinda rusty on animations.

Mark me or someone else as a solution if we fixed your problem.

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Do you want the character to be able to move later?

He said he wants them to stay still.

Will a ragdoll do things, that you want to accomplish?

If yes, then: You can replace every joint with Glue. It’s a instance that welds the parts, but if enough force is put, then it’ll break. Replacing joints with Glue will result in parts acting like it’s ragdolled. Then, i suggest deleting the rootpart. Though, neck is connecting the head to the torso, and if destroyed, then it will result in player death. I suggest removing health script too, and setting the health to humanoid’s maxhealth.

Hope I didn’t mess up.

I doubt you need all of that for a story game. He just wants the character to stay still in the ground in pitch black. It’s not like anyone will see much of the dying animation anyway.

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I did…

Sorry. I just posted it. Didn’t see.