as i would think that would happpen,anchoring is the best soltuion or you can write around 100 lines of code for constraints
local function WeldModel(ModelInstance)
local PrimaryPart = ModelInstance.PrimaryPart
for i,v in pairs(ModelInstance:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA("BasePart") then
PrimaryPart = PrimaryPart or v
if v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Weld") then
local Weld ="Weld")
Weld.Part0 = PrimaryPart
Weld.Part1 = v
Weld.C0 = PrimaryPart.CFrame:Inverse() * v.CFrame
Weld.Parent = v
Run in the command bar with the desired model to weld as the only argument. This was quickly setup without any testing, so theres a small chance that somethings wrong. I suggest creating a model for the parts, the first part to be placed becomes the primarypart. When you add more parts you just weld them together using the function i provided.
The point is; There are 1000s of different ways to go about doing this. A ton of people have posted great solutions; I suggest picking the one that seems the easiest to understand and works the best for you.
im confused,this prob wont work since it happens when game starts
The goal is not to weld the entire structure together; Please read the OP fully. The goal is to weld parts that are placed on each other or near to each other together, so that it creates a cool effect when the building is exploded or one part is removed.
Well, I wish I had just realised that I could’ve just done Part:MakeJoints(), because that works much better. With the weld they keep glitching around when you start to make complex structures.