i am not complaining. but i am saying im pretty sure you are trolling cause you just made a big box and put no effort into it. kinda like that person who made a system to check if a number is odd or even that uses over a million lines. they were ddefinetly trolling.
at this point its just rage bait
Do you have any solution to this?
sadly i dont since i dont usually use meshes (seems like you are using a mesh)
Could you rate this on a scale of 10?
for what it was before its definetly better. Altough it could still need some work. maybe some rounder edges perhaps?
I think the reason the issue in the video above happens is because one of the edges is slanted. I have no idea what causes this. It’s like there’s an invisible part blocking certains parts of the mesh.
I will use wireframe and xray to see what’s going on.
I guess I did know how to make boats a lot better, but I doubted my modeling skills.
I think I fixed it for now. The edges were too slanted so it caused the camera and collision to be weird. But thank you for that, I made my model better.
Now I will add the lantern, a few more poles, etc.
Ok, so after making some adjustments, the boat looks a lot better than the brick. (This is Hazel Sea by the way.)
I used the bevel tool in Blender, so the edges are noticeably rounder.
Edit: I made the boat float using CustomPhysicalProperties, WeldConstraints, and Terrain Editor.
Since the boat is moving, it causes the player to spawn in strange places like through the boat.
Looks better than a box.
Still pretty bad… the hull is too flat I think and there’s not much interior. The wood texture doesn’t look as good as it could, and the hull should be hollow at the floor level of the boat.
Same problems with the hull, it should be hollow until the boats floor level, although now that the boat is longer the flatter end at the hull does fit better. Maybe make it a bit less flat, and a bit more pointy.
I think you should practice blender, use some tutorials and learn the shortcuts for the core stuff you need such as loopcuts, extrude etc…
So like this?
The edge gradually slopes into the floor of the boat.
Yeah, I already know how to extrude. But what does loop cutting do?
It adds more geometry to your mesh. It’s one of the core stuff you need to know. The shortcut for it is ctrl R. You can use your scroll wheel to add for example more vertices.
Ah, thank you for your feedback. I will learn on how to make the models better. I have a note with all the hotkeys for modeling as well.
I’m satisfied with my current boat model. I will make new versions of it or adjustments if needed.
Yea that is what I mean.
Thank you for your feedback on the boat.