How can I make this texture high-res for this ball mesh?

Hey! So I’ve been trying to make a high res earth decal on a mesh. I’ve tried texturing for studs per pixel but that doesn’t seem to work
To visualize my issue I have a few screenshots

As you can see close up the resolution is pretty bad.
I wan’t players to be able to see actual continents and stuff.
Is there a way to get a higer resolution decal on roblox than the standard 1024x1024 pixels??
Is there a unique way to get around this?
Could there be a method for this?


I’m not sure if this works or not like weather if saves in-game but, use the Local file importer made by XAXA

link: Plugin: Local File Importer (Import Images from your Computer!)
Local File Importer Plugin - Roblox

(this doesn’t save, so it probably won’t solve OP’s problems)

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if you have an image bigger than 1024, example 2048x2048
you can split the img in 4 pieces and get 4 img of 1024x1024
them you can place them togheter in studio.
2048 = 4x1024
4096 = 8x1024

in a mesh you will need to split the mesh in the same ammout of images you have,
them you will need to edit the vertex oriantation so you dont get light problems in the ediges where you splited the mesh.

here an example that i made aready in roblox with vertex editing.
character is split into pieces, but the shading is perfect as if was a single mesh.


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