How can i prevent people from stealing my game?

My game is becoming a success now and i’m starting to get messages from people asking to buy the game. I’m feeling very offended at this and maybe a bit worried.

What if someone steals it?

If somebody steals something that YOU MADE you can file a DMCA takedown request.

If you continue to update the game regularly, then I think that won’t be a problem assuming the copies didn’t actually come up with an original concept.

im not in the US though… im in peru

In that case… I don’t know if your applicable to do this. If I find anything saying you can, I will edit this post.

you can’t prevent it, just keep updating your game

If you can prove you made it then Roblox will take down the stolen games for you, no DMCA required, the only problem you could run into is if they have an alt with the game and just use an alt to keep posting it and sharing it amongst themselves, obviously speaking if its an older broken version of the game then it wont get anywhere but lets say worse case they steal a future version, Id look into protection stuff, Im not sure how they work personally however I do know they simply dont allow anyone but the owner to use it/edit it

right… well the old version will die out. Im confident now.

Exploiters are only able to steal builds, localscripts and guis (things that are replicated to the client). They can’t steal any script or anything inside serverstorage or serverscriptservice.

I don’t mean to be rude, but this type of thread has been probably made over 100 times, please use the searchbar before creating a thread.