How can I properly utilize :SetNetworkOwner() with welded parts?

If I do that, it will set both players’s ownership to server. That means that there will be severe input lag for the carrier, meaning that it is not an option. Remember that the characters are welded.

I was talking about that in the undo part he set them all to server, so thats not actually undo-ing the network ownership

i’m talking about @bt5191 answer

But I did not set all of their ownerships to the server. Am I missing your thought?

@LukaDev_0 Ah, I see, I see.

@Weldify Hmm, I see. Would you consider the issue related to how your ragdoll works or something else?

No, the issue is not related to the ragdoll.

I’ve been looking through my older code and found that SetNetworkOwner(nil) worked exactly the same as SetNetworkOwnershipAuto(). This is not to say that your way is more ideal, just that my way wasn’t necessarily “incorrect”.

@Weldify Might I suggest in addition to setting network ownership to the other player that you also weld the players together? It might work.

I will try using SetNetworkOwnershipAuto(), and by the way, the characters are already welded.

It does not acutally. SetNetworkOwner(nil) sets it so server and SetNetworkOwershipAuto() sets it to automatic (Nearest player or server, Default)

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I just realised when I reread the description. Maybe try setting the ragdolled player’s character’s network ownership to the server, so that when it is picked up by someone else, it won’t have conflicting network ownership?

The network ownership of a character is set to the player of the character. So conflitcting does not exist

The answer depends on who you want to see the character being picked up first.

Spoiler alert: :SetNetworkOwnershipAuto() did not work.
It gave the ownership to the ragdoll, and this is what happened:

I’m not sure why you replied to me about that…

I’ve noticed that it looks like one player is colliding with another. Are you positive the collision groups are working correctly?

If the collision groups were not working correctly then this guy’s fate was not going to be so cruel:


On another note, I think that a weld links the characters together. Is there any way to keep two parts attached with similar properties to a weld (not motor6D, since it clearly links the parts together)?
What do you think about it? @bt5191

Not sure, but it might be worth a try testing out.

Could you do some research while I am trying out the stuff in studio?

I’m afraid that I don’t have access to my computer right now, so that won’t be possible for me.

Long term short: Nothing worked and i just kept it as it is.

All the way to July 2021 and I have the same issue, when a player’s character is temporarily removed from its own network ownership, another player can still enter a special cutscene with them, where they are welded together.
No parts are anchored, yet the output prints an error saying anchored parts cannot be assigned.

This is more of an engine bug to me.

Welding is pretty finicky as seen through this thread.

An alternative is to just use AlignPosition to avoid “physics sharing” and network ownership issues like here.

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