How can I really get started scripting?

When I first started out I came up with some cool useless ideas and attempted to make scripts for them.

I’ve started my own sort of script database that has a bunch of scripts containing functions to make life much easier. Now when I want to do something I can take my functions and just use them. I would recommend making your own sort of script database in a place devoted to script testing.

You can find a ton of information pertaining to information on pretty much everything.
In terms of remembering it, it will come with a bit of time, once you get the basics of the language down, everything else will begin to fall into place once you do it a few times.
Most people dont remember everything which is why its essential to play around with the basics as alot of people will point you into advanced ways of doing something very basic. Dont make things any more complex than they need to be, it just makes it harder to follow and write.

Here is my place for testing scripts:

Ive made a whole load of scripts that arent actually being used in any game. But the scripts I have are mostly universal functions that will work for whatever I need.

You will find there are many different ways of doing the same task. There are many experienced scripters that forgot how much the basics can cover.
There isnt too much to worry about getting into the advanced scripting, once you begin you will find alot of it is different so you will need the wiki anyway. But when you do look to the wiki, make sure you understand the way it works. A key example in this is that many people thing that datastores have to be linked to a player, they dont, the data slot is only string meaning you can use it for things other people may have overlooked when misunderstanding this key fact.

For the meantime just focus on getting some projects that you will enjoy to work on, ignore your scripting abilities and look to the wiki, it may take a while to get 1 script done, but you will learn from it. Dont be scared to ask for help, its also good to find some friends who also script, most players enjoy helping out where they can and showing off what you have accomplished can help you going.

Heres a little game you could work on if you want a task to do.
Create a ‘Dont get spotted’ against bots, so the bots will pick a random spot on the map to walk to, then if they can see the player the player is out. The players job is to reach the end.
Just a very random idea that will use a few advanced bits that you will encounter very often.