How can I report someone for having my content in their game (decals, and other stuff that is DMCA eligible)

- Question

Hey guys I’m not sure if this is the correct area to post this but my game was recently stolen and it has decals with from what I know is eligible to report for DMCA, so how would I proceed on getting my stuff removed from the game that this person has, well basically he took my entire map but I’m assuming buildings aren’t DMCA claimable only the decals and stuff uploaded by the ip holder can be requested to be removed.


You can file DMCA related claims directly to support.


Thank you, do you know what I have to provide?

No. Explain your situation and they will tell you what can be done. If you have clear evidence supporting your claim, I suggest providing that in the original contact form.

Alrighty thanks.

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In the future, it is best to first contact the “offender” for them to remove your content in their game. This saves you time in writing DMCA takedown requests or something similar. If they are nice and understandable enough, they’ll remove it themselves and saves you the hassle and time. Only go to second step if they don’t by contacting support. If that doesn’t help… a formal DMCA takedown. Decide how much time you want to spend resolving the problem with each solution, you might want to move on to step two if they don’t comply fast enough, and step three if support is slow and doesn’t help you.

Disclaimer: Not a lawyer.


Here are the steps I would take in order of most to least preferable.

  1. Contact the offender, if they did not mean to cause you any harm through this / were unaware of the policys involving asset theft they may just remove the assets from their game and potentially offer you compensation.

  2. If the ignore the request, then ask them on publicly on twitter. this is a controversial, yet commonly successful way of contacting people, since it almost forces them to make a response or risk the situation escalating.

  3. if else fails, I guess you have to put up with roblox’s amazing world of customer service. Best way to do this is email, especially since any phone calls are just put through to email tickets. Keep in mind tho, this could take up to a month to resolve, and there is honestly low chance anything will happen from it which is useful to you. But it’s always worth a shot. :man_shrugging:


Not to mention that you might even be able to work out a mutually favorable exchange where they pay you for their use of the assets. Sending a DMCA sends a pretty clear message that you aren’t interested in cooperating at all.


The offender has been planning this I’ve been trying to prevent it the moment I let my game playable he took it and I’ve tried to tell him to remove it even telling him I’d have a DMCA takedown but he refused and blocked me.

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Just make sure you know that you absolutely hold all your rights to that content, make sure you didn’t use any other asset that any other person owns, because that would make it invalid(to some extent). I would avoid writing a takedown since they are the most annoying form to fill. So I’d start with support. However I don’t know how Roblox deals with IP, I recommend reading the terms of service on UGC(User Generated Content). Uploading IP to a website makes ownership much more complicated.

Any original content you made gives you ownership automatically. So audio, images, models, etc. This isn’t the case for ideas like games you need a patent… in the end; know if you have the rights.

Disclaimer: Not a lawyer.

The Real Answer:

Roblox Support is not going to help you, because that’s the wrong email.

Since Roblox is under Safe Harbor so a take-down response of some sort within 10-14 business days.

However as for what @Formidable_Beast said,

The email to is not complex. I HEAVILY discourage taking the law into your own hands and confronting the offender. As long as you for sure know that they are using your work, I do not suggest attempting to warn the offender that you’ve sent a DMCA. They can edit your assets and make it harder to prove your case and the penalty for a false DMCA is quite steep.

I cannot express this enough,

Do NOT attempt to take the law into your own hands.

You’re a game dev, not a police officer. Let the copyright agent do his job, and you do yours. You will likely complicate things and your warning could even be interpreted as you extorting or threatening them.

In Summary, if you genuinely know they’re using your assets,

Email with the information you’re asked for, they will take care of the rest.


Does this include buildings that I’ve created and streamed on YouTube as evidence I made it?

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Not a lawyer but I’d say yes.

Says right here,

“You own the IP of the games and other content you create. And you grant us a license to use that IP in certain ways.”

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i know that’s late but does that include clothing?
so if i sent request to mail copyrights agent :
because i always send and doesn’t Receive any reply just a bot message.
i hope roblox fix that to stop copying clothing because designers are an important part of roblox and they get their rights without any obstacles.
i hope roblox fix that soon :smiley:

If any of your assets get used in someone else’s game without your permission, there is a imperfect solution to this: You can launch an ‘archive-attack’. Find your assets that were heavily used in their game, then archive them. That would prevent them from being used.

However, if that person decided to copy and re-upload the assets, archiving them won’t work.

I haven’t heard about any incidents of users using the archive feature to attack each other, but this could become an actual thing on Roblox. People will be scared to use other people’s assets because of the archive feature. But they could always re-upload it and it would be hard to prove that you are the true creator of the assets.

Thanks for the answer, an email to roblox did the job this is kinda funny because my game just got stolen yesterday.

I know it’s not easy to steal copylocked games, and when an exploiter manages to successfully steal it, they can’t access server-sided scripts. They can only access the builds and the localscripts.

Well, better late than never?

Yes, sending the copyright agent a DMCA takedown with evidence that the clothing belongs to you should get it removed, however again, it will take up to 2 weeks to go through.

If you don’t know how to write a DMCA takedown, there’s plenty of templates online.

Email with the information you’re asked for, they will take care of the rest. I would also suggest emailing them using the email address that’s currently connected to your Roblox account just to be safe.

However, reminder, I wouldn’t suggest saying anything to the thief, let the agent speak on your behalf to avoid complicating anything, kinda like how you would want your lawyer to speak in court rather than you.

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Hey I know this post is kinda old but uhh, I’d like to know what will happen if my DMCA request is declined, will I get banned? will I get into legal trouble?

I once made a script for someone who once was my friend and then things went horribly wrong, after he removed me from team create he kept using my assets

Now since this is a script there’s a really high chance for the request to be denied, I’d like to know what will happen if that’s the outcome I will get

If your DMCA request was declined, you probably will not be banned or have legal issues unless you broke the law(like perjury).