Well, by this I mean that how can I execute a script that only the owner of the object can use and if no one is the owner, the one who executes it is the next owner. Well, what I described I already did but it does not work for me since when it is executed, nobody owns the object so whoever executes it will not be able to get the object because nobody was the owner. the error is that I cannot execute the script because as there was no owner, there is no one who can execute it and well I want to fix that, line 17
local Storage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Material = Storage:FindFirstChild("Materiales")
local Recursos = Material:FindFirstChild("Cargarmateria")
local Proximity = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("ProximityPrompt")
local LumberjackSystem = workspace:FindFirstChild("LumberjackSystem")
local PlayerWorkspace = workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name)
local PlayerAssets = game.Players:FindFirstChild(player.Name)
local RightHand = PlayerWorkspace:FindFirstChild("RightHand")
local take = PlayerWorkspace.SistemaDeTala.Taken
local box = script.Parent
box.Parent = PlayerWorkspace
if player.Name == PlayerWorkspace:WaitForChild("SistemaDeTala"):WaitForChild("Owner").Value or not PlayerWorkspace:WaitForChild("SistemaDeTala"):WaitForChild("Owner").Value then
if not box:FindFirstChild("Weld") then
local weld = Instance.new('Weld')
weld.Parent = box
weld.Part0 = box
weld.Part1 = RightHand
weld.C1 = CFrame.new(0.1, -0.5, 0)
if take.Value == false then
take.Value = true
Proximity.ActionText = "Soltar"
PlayerWorkspace.SistemaDeTala.Owner.Value = player.Name
elseif take.Value == true then
take.Value = false
Proximity.ActionText = "Cargar"
PlayerWorkspace.SistemaDeTala.Owner.Value = ""
box.Parent = LumberjackSystem:WaitForChild("Wood")
local Weld = box:FindFirstChild("Weld")
if Weld then