I’ve seen the answer before but I cannot find it or it was deleted.
You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I want to loop through a folder and save every name and the value.
What is the issue?
I don’t know how to do it and I cannot find my old code.
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
I looked on the developer hub and other Roblox scripting websites for my answer.
Sorry if I’m asking for an entire script, I just cannot find this. I know how to use the datastore and everything but I can’t find this.
I can’t see how your comment is contributive to the current topic but let me answer with a quote from wikipedia:
In computer science, an array data structure , or simply an array , is a data structure consisting of a collection of elements (values or variables), each identified by at least one array index or key .
local dss = game:GetService('DataStoreService'):GetDataStore('PlayerData') --retrieving a DataStore by a random name
local tbl = {}
local success, message = pcall(function() --wrapping the saving part in a pcall
for _,v in pairs(the folder) do
tbl[#tbl+1] = v.Name
dss:SetAsync(player.UserId, tbl) -- saving the data
if success then
print("Saved "..player.Name.."'s data")
print('Failed to save data: '..message)
To get the data
local data = dss:GetAsync(player.UserId) or {}
local folder = Instance.new('Folder')
folder.Name = 'Inventory'
folder.Parent = player
for _, v in pairs(data) do
local value = Instance.new('StringValue') --your type of value here
value.Name = v
value.Parent = the folder
Lua tables are implemented as associative arrays. For the sake of convenience, we call anything with numerical indices an array and anything with non-numerical indices a dictionary. What you’re using is a dictionary, not an array, by Roblox standards.
Arrays are treated in the form of elements, and dictionaries as key-value pairs. Arrays use both the array and hash part of a Lua table while a dictionary only uses the hash part (no array-like functions work on it - ipairs and a majority, if not all, of the table library).
I believe the confusion here is between the meaning of a word and its connotation. In Lua, the connotation of the word array is a container (more formally known as a list) that has “indices” or “keys” starting at one and increasing in size relative to the size of the array. The technical definition of array, however, does not contain this meaning. It’s a more general concept that covers all kinds of key-value containers. However, even the PiL recognizes the more formal definition of the word array:
“We implement arrays in Lua simply by indexing tables with integers.” and “You can start an array at index 0, 1, or any other value”
I don’t see any reason to nitpick anyone for using the word array over the words dictionary or table. It is technically correct, and it is even a usage that extends across languages because it fits with the standard definition. The connotation, however, is not necessarily understood in other contexts. I understand that we’re in a specific context now, but, even within this context, it still isn’t inaccurate to use the more generalized meaning of the word.
I’m going based on the definition ArcRadians quoted.
I’m sorry for bumping this thread. But, here is the solution:
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
-- DataStores
local DSService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local data = DSService:GetDataStore("DataStoreName001")
local function PlayerJoined(player)
local key = player.UserId
local datastore = data:GetAsync(key)
if datastore then
-- add a system to load in data here
data:SetAsync(key, {}) -- new player, set data to nil
local function PlayerRemoving(player)
local key = player.UserId
local datastore = data:GetAsync(key)
local tab = {}
for _, v in ipairs(player.Folder:GetDescendants()) do -- change this to your item
table.insert(tab,{ v.Name, tostring(v.Value), v.ClassName })
if datastore:GetAsync(key) then
return tab
datastore:SetAsync(key, tab)
if game.RunService:IsStudio() then
for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
coroutine.resume(coroutine.wrap(PlayerRemoving), player)
I do not use this solution anymore and I will not use it for future work. Instead, use profile service or datastore 2.