Well then it’s working just fine. I don’t know why it won’t work. For now, I’m going to take a rest.
Ok man well thank you so much have a great day can i contact u tmr?
Do you have Studio API Access enabled in your game settings?
Yes I do, why??? Can you help me ??
Make players have a value inside them called element that saves. Make it an int value and make certain values correspond to certain elements. If a player spins a fire, their element int value inside the player will change to 1 and when they leave the game that value saves. When they rejoin, the game loads the player’s data and checks the element value to see what value it is. If it’s 1, then give the player fire powers. Do the same with all the other elements. Oh, also to test data stores you’ve got to be testing outside of studio.
Thank you for your explaination but can you give me and example on how to make the folder into an int value ??
? Just put an int value into the player when they join the game this isn’t something complicated like turning a whole folder into a number. Basically, if a player has the value set to 1, they get fire, 2 = lightning. So you need to do datastores. You understand datastores right?
and how can i do that
When a player spins. If their element is fire, the player’s value that is inserted into the player becomes 1. If it is lightning, it becomes 2. Then the server checks the player’s value when the player spawns always so that it knows that if it’s 1 the player has fire and if it’s 2 it has lightning.
Not really , im new at scripting. I have been looking inti videos but none of them teaches you the method that your telling me about.
So a make it like im making a leaderstat ?
Oh, well you need to have a good understanding of scripting if you want to be using datastores since they can be pretty daunting and confusing. I recommend watching “TheDevKing” on youtube and his tutorials. Then once you understand datastores pretty well, you will approach this issue again and know a solution. And yeah like a leaderstat. It will save like a leaderstat and all you need to do is check that value every time a player spawns and run code based on that value such as give the player a certain element.
oh ok then ik what ur talking about
But , I still dont get the part of giving a player an Intvalue, when they get a certain element.
local Elements = Instance.new("Folder",player)
Elements.Name = “Elements”
local Fire = Instance.new(“Intvalue”)
Fire.Value = 1
local Lightning = Instance.new(“Intvalue”)
Lightning.Value = 2
Is that what you meant by give a player a value
No just make one value and then just get the player’s value through a data store. After you get the data, check the value of that value inside the element folder and if it is 1 it is fire if the value is 2 then it will be lightning. I’ll talk more in a few hours sorry.
No man your competly fine dont worry i will look more into it.
Man tbh i still dont get it , later if you can join my Roblox Studios and help me 1on 1
I would gladly appreciate it , Thank you