How can I solve this Collectible Coin ERROR?

U shouldn’t have a remote event that litteraly gives u Coins.
Exploiters can do CoinRE:FireServer(math.huge) to get infinite Coins.

The code will also be shorter if u used Compound Assignement Operators

  player.leaderstats.Points.Value += 1

and what should I do? Because I thought that he remote events was a save method

Either add Magnitude Checks or handle the touched events Server-Side

I dont kno about that, how can I do it?
I’m going to investigate a bit while waiting your awnser

U would check if the Magnitude between the coin and the Player’s HumanoidRootPart is lower than a certain amount and then give the coin.

But I want that everyone can have the coin. It doesn’t matter the conditions.

But u don’t want exploiters do u?

No I dont want them, so you say that only people under a certein amount can have the coin?

I said, u gotta get the magnitude between the Coin and HumanoidRootPart, and if thats under a certain amount then give the coin.

And how can I do that because I have never heard about that

U would do (Coin.Position - player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude. Also be sure to add checks to see if the Character exists to avoid errors.

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So I put that on the leaderstats script(send it to the server)

U would put that on the Server Script. This would add a layer of security to the game (Server Side Validation).

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but somewhere in particular, because if I just leave it like this it will give me an error

You would have to define Coin.

Thats what I mean(and I defined the Coin)