Pretty confused on what to name this lol, still very much trying to get the hang of metatables & so on. Here’s my module script, the issue is that I’m trying to set properties of the Item, eg: it’s name and rarity, while also storing a table of it’s functions by setting the metatable to the module table.
local ItemsModule = {}
ItemsModule.__index = ItemsModule
function ItemsModule:new(name, rarity)
self.ItemName = name
self.ItemRarity = rarity
self.functions = {}
setmetatable(self.functions, ItemsModule)
function ItemsModule:doprint()
print(self.ItemName, self.ItemRarity)
return ItemsModule
Then I try to call it in this script:
local ItemsModule = require(script.ItemsModule)
local Item = ItemsModule:new("green brick", "legendary")
The error:
Players.Anumth.PlayerScripts.LocalScript:4: attempt to index nil with ‘doprint’ -
I should also state I wish to accomplish this without the usage of any external modules for OOP.
The issue is that the :new functions returns nothing. This means the Item variable is nil hence nothing exist and the error pops up.
You could have found this out by printing Item, whenever you get any nil error in your life, this will lead you to trace back your errors and solve problems quicker and faster.
print(Item) --print nil
If you have looked at a proper OOP tutorial you will find out that they place a specific line in the .new function to return the property table:
function, driver, model)
local newcar = {}
setmetatable(newcar, Car)
--some property setting stuff for newcar
return newcar --this is pretty significiant
I recommend understanding the steps and lines of code or at least copy pasting like in this OOP tutorial for a car object, just replace the name Car with an object name you want via find and replace all and insert the properties you want and It’ll work.
OOP boiler plate for a car
--module script called Car in game.ReplicatedStorage
Car = {}
Car.__index = Car
function, driver, model)
local newcar = {}
setmetatable(newcar, Car)
newcar.Position = position
newcar.Driver = driver
newcar.Model = model
return newcar
function Car:Boost()
self.Speed = self.Speed + 5
return Car