How can i use coroutine.wrap with a module function

Hi. How can i use coroutine.wrap with a module function. I have a module function and i wanted to use coroutine.wrap so that i don’t have to wait until the end of the function. i tried everything but i couldn’t find the answer. :thinking:

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You just have to pass the function to coroutine.wrap?

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i tried but it didin’t work it said missing argument #1

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Are you doing something like this?

local myModule = require(MyModuleScipt)

local coro = coroutine.wrap(myModule.MyFunction)
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i did it like this.

			-- zombie
			local zombie = enemyModule.spawn(zombieName);
			local zombieWrap = coroutine.wrap(zombie:move());
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in the module, you can return function rather than a table in task.spawn, or put your yielding part into task.spawn

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move() with parentheses calls the function, so you are actually passing the result of :move() to wrap. If move returns nil then that would give you the error you see. You should pass the function itself:

	local zombie = enemyModule.spawn(zombieName);
	local zombieWrap = coroutine.wrap(zombie.move);

Edit: Dot . not Colon :

it didin’t work i got a error it said expected (, {

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Hmmm. It may not work anyway because move is a member function and wants to be called with :. You may have to do something less obvious, I will check.

i am using Egomoose’s constructor.


local Vector3 = {}
Vector3.__index = Vector3

-- constructor

function, y, z)
	local self = setmetatable({}, Vector3)
	self.x = x or 0
	self.y = y or 0
	self.z = z or 0
	return self

Why are you using this? This could cause some confusing issues because the returned self is a Table instead of a Userdata.

it’s easier for my enemy spawn script:

local serverStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage");
local enemies = serverStorage:WaitForChild("Enemies");

local map = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Map");
local waypoints = map:WaitForChild("Waypoints");

local enemy = {}
enemy.__index = enemy

function enemy.spawn(enemyName)
	local self = setmetatable({}, enemy)
	-- enemy exist
	local enemyExist = enemies:FindFirstChild(enemyName);
	if enemyExist then
		-- new enemy
		self.newEnemy = enemyExist:Clone();
		self.newEnemy.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = waypoints:FindFirstChild("1").CFrame;
		self.newEnemy.Parent = game.Workspace;
	return self

function enemy:move()
	-- waypoints
	for i = 1, #waypoints:GetChildren() do
		if self.newEnemy:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
	-- destroy

return enemy

isn’t wrap and then resume same thing as task.spawn?


Why not this one

Also what I meant was;

local Vector3 = {}
Vector3.__index = Vector3

-- constructor

function, y, z)
	local self = setmetatable({}, Vector3)
	self.x = x or 0
	self.y = y or 0
	self.z = z or 0
	return self

return function(desiredFunction,...)
    if Vector3[desiredFunction] then
end --something like this

i’ll try it and see if it works.

If you want to pass in a table function that uses the colon operator to a task.spawn or coroutine.wrap, you must switch to dot operator and pass the table as the second argument.

task.spawn(zombie.move, zombie, ...)

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