How can I use Mixamo animations on R6 rigs?

I have been trying for several hours. Is this possible? I am trying to use mixamo animations and import them into the roblox animation editor. If not directly, is there any other method to use such animations on R6 Roblox rigs?

In Blender you can copy a bone’s rotation and paste it into another bone, there is definitely a way! But… I’m not sure things would work perfectly. The bone keyframes might look weird if the rig you’re pasting them to isn’t proportioned to fit!

I was capable of rigging an R6 rig to TF2’s skeleton, therefore I’m somewhat-confident in my rigging abilities to port Mixamo animations to an R6 rig. I will update you if I have successfully rigged it.

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i have all the tf2 animations for scout in an fbx format i can send you them sorry about the offset thing i made a tool that can fix animations doing that and i can also send you the scout rig (im remaking tf2 heres my post about it Blox Fortress (Second attempt at remaking TF2))

I also happen to have created a rig specifically for porting TF2’s viewmodel animations.

i have all the model animations too

i use crowbar to get the animations then noesis to turn the animation into an fbx

I’ve done it @SamuelaNutella ! I’ve successfully converted a Mixamo animation to R6! Message me if you’re interested in knowing more or would like to have some animations in particular.


I have been looking for something just like this for the past day. If you don’t mind, can you teach me how to convert Mixamo animations to a R6 rig.

same as @wrtrewewqwewqwqwqee. Can you send the rig for importing animations? Or perhaps copy the explanation you did to the op