Hi! I just wanted to know how self could be useful.
Here is something I made:
local module = {}
function module:PrintOut()
return module
local module = require(script.Parent.ModuleScript)
But it literally just prints out table: 0x330a77ac92faf6a4
I know how self works, it takes the thing before the colon as argument.
So that when you are working with objects in a method, so you can refer to itself. Your example doesn’t show the usefulness of self, something like this better does.
local Pizza = { }
Pizza.__index = Pizza
function Pizza.new(flavor, slices)
return setmetatable({ flavor = flavor, slices = slices }, Pizza)
function Pizza:Eat()
if self.slices <= 0 then
self.slices -= 1
return Pizza
Then in a non-module
local Pizza = require(path_to_pizza)
local p = Pizza.new("Pepperoni", 8)
Since there is no way to get the object you are calling the method on with without self that is where self is useful so object method can refer to itself. That said if you are using self in a non-OOP context of course it won’t be useful to you.