How could I make a spinning loading screen like this?

Hi everyone! I am trying to create a loading screen like ones that many sites outside of roblox use! I see some few games that have one like this.

I have searched the Developer Forums for posts on how I could go about making something like this for hours and have not found anything!
How would I go about making something like this? Frappe has one, Roblox Chat Simulator 2 has one, and Pet Simulator X has one. Those are the only ones I know about.

Is there like a post on how to do this that i could follow?

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I think it’s an animation created outside of Roblox, I’m not sure tho

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There are tutorials in #resources:community-tutorials and #resources:community-resources related to this. Consider checking there.

One topic I found: Circular / Radial Progress Bar [Rounded]

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