Hey! I would like to know how I could make an infinite room generator. I have tried before but it turned into a mess of rooms overlapping and I just didn’t like it. I would like an understanding on how to make a generation system in a way that you could make template rooms, and randomly select the room from one of the templates, set up the template to be a full room, then connect it with any other rooms. I want it to be like the game Doors. Thanks.
This is a very in depth way to do it: Dungeon Generation: A Procedural Generation Guide
Or you can just add random rooms that you made yourself and pivot them to a designated end point in each room.
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I’m going to try to make a short place file example real quick.
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Alright, you can go ahead and do that.
Sorry for the late response, but I have been trying and I can’t find out a way to check for certain that a model is colliding with another model so I can’t fully finish it. I hope someone else finds a way to do it.