How could I make the player be not invisible when zoomed in?

Why would you use StarterGui for a character script instead of StarterCharacterScripts?

The script you posted will not work as the LocalTransparencyModifier is modified by the camera script. To get the desired effect please use the code I posted. :slight_smile:

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He’s asking about a different script

No need to be mean, I’m just expressing out my preferences, If you don’t want to use PlayerGui fine by me

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It works in my game :man_shrugging:

Just as a quick FYI that sets the Modifier once, and the camera script will subsequently override it. This will not solve the problem.

Also if your script is in StarterCharacter to access the character you can just do script.Parent as opposed to the convoluted process you went through via the LocalPlayer.

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Thanks, that worked, but one last question how would I find the head of the player from that script to make the head transparent too?

Just add an if statement saying if part.Name == "Head" then return true end and put it before the return statement.

If you need any more help send me a message!

How could this be modified to keep the hats & head visible?

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