How could i properly load ReplicatedFirst content during runtime?

Hey, so for a little context ive been working on a little project that has the ability to load everything it needs in order to function at runtime in any random place possible (from empty baseplates to other games entirely). However right now I’m a bit stuck as to how i could properly load ReplicatedFirst instance’s into the client’s of every server in the server. It does load everything from replicated first if a new player joins the server (loads for that said player specifically) so its only an issue for every player thats already in the server.

Ive tried some different kinds of setups involving duplicating things multiple times in a row and reparenting things back and fourth however most i found was some very limited success that does not really work past simple baseplates due to the player’s clients replicating faster than my game loading it’s content. Sometimes i would just end up with duplicated instances too. So is there any specific way to load ReplicatedFirst content at runtime for each player?

Can’t explain it any better than these links so …

Scenarios Upon Using ReplicatedFirst?