How did y'all make ui, and arts?

Recently I needed ui designs & logos for one of my game, how did y’all make them? What programs did you use?


Sometimes i use blender for GFX.

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For GFX I use Blender but for like just text I use my laptops default editor or PicsArt.

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I use Krita to make textures, and thumbnails. I’m not experienced with Krita so there will be many possibilities I uncovered.
For GFX I use Blender. Blender is a free software great for making meshes, GFX, animation and more!

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Blender is a good tool, if you need good rig for free I recommend you this YouTube user who makes really good rig
Otherwise you can simply import a roblox skin OBJ with this texture and then modify the position it also works


UI can be designed on various applications. I, myself was able to produce nice UI on Paint. net, and I’ve heard of many other UI artists using the same program. Paint. Net is free for use if you’re interested. Another good application would be photoshop, this seems to be the more frequent choice for artists for obvious reasons. Photoshop has a more developed and diverse range of tools to best create the desired UI.

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For UI, as a beginner I started with PowerPoint, even though I had the Adobe suite.
For example, I made this in PowerPoint.
I won’t disagree with the fact that it’s a very unconventional way, but it does it’s job well.
It has never failed me with my UIs.


When I started making logos and game icons, I started messing around with 2d designs in PDN. Then I started taking courses on graphic arts. Now I use blender to render 3d animations and use my photo editing skills to perfect them.

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I make GFXs with blender and bannersnack for logos and thumbnails.

For me I usually make a model in Roblox Studio, export it as OBJ, put it in blender, align lighting, cameras, etc, and render it. Then, I go onto photoshop and add my usual font, extra effects, and other things needed.

If you need to download blender here is the link:

If you need tutorials on how to use blender, here is the channel that I watch for help:

I would recommend making your model in Roblox Studio, and then render it in blender because modelling in blender is challenging, and takes a long time, where as in Roblox Studio, it’s simpler, easier, and you have easy access to free models.

Variety of application such as the common choices gimp and paint net. They provide similar techniques in both programs you will still achieve those high quality (UI - Art), you just have to learn the software and just small to get a basic understanding on how things work from your perceptive view. Practice

I would consider learning the basic programs such as Inkscape you can most likely make art and UI in any specific app. It’s a decent graphic design tool. Of course there is a learning curve on whatever program you wish to use, there are many of guides for each application. Here is a similar discussed thread related to UI designing/ programs.

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I’ve been using the Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator; love both the programs so much as they helped me develop as a graphic designer and artist.

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