How do games make mountain outlines?

Hey DevForum!

So my game has terrain mountains, but they’re causing a bit of lag, so I wanted to remove them and change them out for some that won’t do that.

If you look at the new simulator (in development still, I believe) Tree Planting Simulator, they have a beautiful mountain outline and it doesn’t seem to cause lag. How do they do this?

I appreciate any replies. Thanks!

P.S. I wasn’t sure where else to post this, so I decided on Game Design Support.

P.P.S. Here’s a sample video of what I mean; please look at the beginning frame.

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Looks like a mesh to me. Try making them in blender. Should only use a couple of meshes to create that effect.

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I fully agree with Natalie, if you don’t know how to make a mesh like that you could always hire someone.

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Perhaps, this tutorial could help:

Thanks @Natalie_Clabo, @return_end1 and @Sumaco for your responses. I’ll test out the mesh method.


What you should do is go into blender and make some mountain meshes because that’s really what it looks like in the sample video you gave us.

Hey Max

Cut to the Chase

The obvious has been said, it’s clearly a mesh. What no one has covered however is how they created the spotted triangle pattern riveting through the mesh.

Picture: image

My Theory

They probably turned it either into quads or triangles with CTRL+T in blender (2.79) and then quickly made some patches dark. Looks great, optimized and one single mesh.

Simple answer for a simple mountain outline, hope this helped!