How do I can play animation of objects such as parts or doors made in the moon animation with script?

Use a TweenService, lad. It’s basically a smooth animation for the objects that aren’t a humanoids, and it requires no animating skills!

thank you but I already used it now I want much more smooth animation and also animation handle of the door.

You can use a plugin called Tweensequence Editor, basically a tweenservice but more smooth (required animation skills)

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It could be a problem with the rigging of the model…

Wait a minute. OHH, I thought Kute showed me TweenService but that was Tweensequence Editor. I’m so dumb. But I’m not sorry. Ok I will search it in the youtube how to use it.

I think so. I just connected the door to the a little hinge for rotate it. I also made rig for handle itself to make it’s animation.

Are the connections for your door parts Motor6D joints?

What is the Motor6D is mean and how I can use it for my animation?

Animations use Motor6D joints to animate models. Like the joints of a humanoid character.
I always use Roblox Studio animation tool so idk exactly what’s going on inside the moon animation plugin. But every time I rig a character or any other model I intend on animating. Every part is connected using Motor6D joints.

Motor6D | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

I also don’t know is Motor6D working with Moon Animation. But I can’t use default Animation Editor to animate my door because it’s doesn’t have humanoid, it’s just a door :expressionless:

It doesn’t have to have a humanoid.

What do you mean by that I didn’t understood.

SimpleDoorAnimExample.rbxl (55.7 KB)
Here I made a quick example of animating a door with the Roblox Animator tool. You can see how the door is rigged.

The Animation Controller… serves as an alternative to the humanoid object.

How did you unite the The DoorPart model with Motor6D?

Just add a Motor6D joint to the DoorPart. Then choose the “Root” part (like the door frame) as Part0 and the DoorPart as Part1. The animation controller should be a child of the Model. Just like with a character model and the humanoid. The humanoid is a child of the model. You can adjust the offsets in the properties window.

When you rig something for animation. Everything begins with the root or primary part. In the case of a character, the root part is the HumanoidRootPart. Then add joints as you go:
RootPart → LowerTorso → Torso → Left Arm → Left Hand
LowerTorso → LeftLeg → LeftFoot
LowerTorso → RightLeg → RightFoot

Where each arrow represents a joint and Part0 is the prev part and Part1 is the part added.

Root (DoorFrame) → Door → DoorHandle
Door → DoorKnocker

Could you please show me picture for example, sorry for bothering you.

Oh thank you. I will test it out.

however, to animate the door with moon animation I need to make primarypart of the model to Root?

Yeah. Its probably already set as the primary part. Well in the example it is. In your own model, yes you should make root the primary part of the model.