How do i change it?

I guess you could create a table of characters to tools or something and set it every time a character spawns with the tool.

This would be implemented in the server script.

local charAttackMap = {}

-- call this whenever the tool is created
local function onNewAttackCreated(character, tool)
    charAttackMap[character] = tool

-- make sure to remove the mapping when the tool/character
-- is destroyed, or you'll get a memory leak!

-- later on...

    local tool = charAttackMap[player.Character]
    if tool == nil then return end
    -- handles if the player doesn't have that tool
    -- AND if the player doesn't have a character

    local module = require(tool.NewAttack.Settings)
    module.Damage = 7
    -- ...

What if I used number value for damage how would I “refresh” Damage script?
Just curious