Hi!, So I hope I posted this on the right category, So I have recently been trying to make a combat system and it is raycast based like on minecraft, Basiclly it doesnt matters if your weapon model hits your opponent because its not collision based, But if your oponent is in range and in your cross hair then he takes damage, So I recently decided to make this functional but I ran into an issue and its that it is extremely hard to hit someone because the hitbox is a single ray that gets casted to the position of the mouse, So my solution is creating a part on the exact position of the ray and angle and length (And obviously stretching it a bit from all of its sides so it exapands the hitbox) and then using :GetPartsInPart on that part created to get the humanoids on it and deal dammage or just a touched event and that way deal dammage, But heres the issue I have no idea how to create that part because as far as I know when a raycast does not gets a result (does not hits an object) it doesnt gives any data that could be used, So how would create a part with the things i mentioned without needing the result.
Yes and I did try to research this before making this post, but most posts were unclear and did not explained anything, So I am making this post as a last resource.
Heres my code:
local ListRayCastParams = RaycastParams.new()
ListRayCastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
ListRayCastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {MyCharacter, FireAxeTool.FireAxeModel}
-- Get Factors to create raycast
local RayCastOrigin = MyCharHead.Position
local RayCastDirection = (MousePosition - RayCastOrigin).Unit
local RayCastResult = workspace:Raycast(RayCastOrigin, RayCastDirection*6, ListRayCastParams)
-- Hitbox Creator --
local CastedHitbox = Instance.new("Part", game.Workspace)
CastedHitbox.Name = "CASTEDHITBOX"
CastedHitbox.CanCollide = false
CastedHitbox.Anchored = true
If I was unclear or missed any critical info please reply and I will clarify
local sword = -- your sword
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = plr:GetMouse()
local target = mouse.Target
if target ~= nil then
if target.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
-- fire remote event here and server will handle the damage function
although you can still use raycast if you prefer it more
I really reallly do need to use raycast on this scenario so yeah your solution still does not helps because my original purpose was to expand the hitbox and even if i used this it brings the same problem of being hard to hit a player bc of the tiny hitbox, and also that method is client sided in some way to detect hits wich kinda makes my game insecure.
And also I wanna learn this to make lasers come out of guns that i will code wich if i were to do your solution it wouldnt help me fully learn what i asked to.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that i want hitboxes to work on the server, Im fully aware that to get the mouse position you need a local script and firing a remote with that position to the server to make that.
No you arent getting my point, That is a collision based hitbox because the hit is registered by your weapon hitting the enemy, I specifiied i didnt wanted a collision based engine and I wanted something like Minecraft for example, Where hits are registered by firing a raycast from your camera or head into your mouse direction, I have that system but now i wanna create a part on the raycast with its length and position and direction
oh okay, i get it now. do you mean something like this? How would I cast a ray to where my mouse hit, and then you’re creating a part with the length of the raycast with the same position as it? (like making the raycast visible?)
Again as I said, I researched it and yes I found that but theres no explanation to what they are doing and leaves me confused, But I guess Il’l give it another read and see if I can understand it now.
What about using Mouse.UnitRay and making the ray visible by calculating the midpoint between bullet’s starting position and Ray’s hit position or default set length? Ex:
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local RS = game:GetService("RunService")
local Client = Players.LocalPlayer or Players:GetPropertyChangedSignal("LocalPlayer"):Wait()
local Mouse: Mouse = Client:GetMouse()
local BulletStartPos = script.Parent.StartPos
local function MakeRayVisible(pos1, pos2)
local Distance = (pos1-pos2).Magnitude
local MidPoint = (pos1+pos2)/2
local NewPart = Instance.new("Part")
NewPart.Anchored = true
NewPart.CanCollide = false
NewPart.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
NewPart.Size = Vector3.new(.1, .1, Distance)
NewPart.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(MidPoint, pos2)
NewPart.Parent = workspace
return NewPart
local Origin, Direction = BulletStartPos.Position, Mouse.UnitRay.Direction*300
local Result = workspace:Raycast(Origin, Direction)
local Intersection = Result and Result.Position or Origin + Direction
local VisibleRay = MakeRayVisible(Origin, Intersection)
If I’m understanding this correctly it seems like you want to do all the hit detection through the part itself, and were just using the ray for obtaining the initial direction? If that’s the case there isn’t really any need for the ray.
You can try getting the direction using just the mouse position and player’s head, and then place a part of whatever desired hitbox size you want in front of the player.
local hitboxLength = 6
local hitboxWidth = 0.5
local hit = Mouse.Hit.p
local dir = (hit - Player.Character.Head.CFrame.p).unit
local part = Instance.new("Part")
part.Anchored = true
part.Size = Vector3.new(hitboxWidth, hitboxWidth, hitboxLength)
part.CFrame = CFrame.new(Player.Character.Head.CFrame.p + (hitboxLength / 2 * dir), hit)
part.Parent = workspace
-- handle whatever checks you need and clean up
So i kinda need it to directly do what I said, Since yes I could do your method but I kinda want also to learn how to make a part on the raycast so i can make some effects for guns like lasers with parts and not with beams or particle emiters.
I wish I was such an advanced coder to understand this, Could you explain please what it does, sorry if this comes as an anoyance, I am legit struggling to understand most of this script.
function a:BulletHole(Position,BulletSize,Normal) -- Position is RaycastResult.Position, Normal is RaycastResult.Normal
local p = Instance.new("Part")
p.CFrame = CFrame.new(Position, Position + Normal)
p.Size = Vector3.new(BulletSize,BulletSize,0.1)
p.Transparency = 1
p.Anchored = true
p.CanCollide = false
p.Position = Position or assert(Position == nil,"No position passed in BulletHole method for Object " .. self.WeaponModel.Name)
p.Parent = workspace.BulletHoles
local d = Instance.new("Decal")
d.Texture = "rbxassetid://4784881970"
d.Face = "Front"
d.Parent = p
wait(20) -- Disappear after 3 seconds