How do I create Jiggle Bone physics for Mesh Deformation?

Ok, so I have created cubes and named them the exact same as the bones. So now how do I put the parts inside the armature? Because I am trying to do hair physics and that’s the only way I can think of to make hair physics.

you just select all the parts and then primary select (or select it last) the armature then right click and parent it all to the armature (choose with automatic weights unless youve made your own already.).

i would highly recommend you seperate parts after rigging/parenting it though otherwise your gonna have a really hard time rigging it correctly without it breaking.
(automatic weights will not work if you do them with separated parts. which is why you seperate them after)

Right so I have a mesh deformed character that uses a single mesh part, and all the bones are parented to that mesh part. How exactly would I go about separating the body parts out into different mesh parts while keeping the bones the same?

im going to assume by having the bones “parented to that mesh part” you really mean having the meshpart parented to the armature which is how it should be.
if not then:

select the model then hold SHIFT and select the armature. after this RIGHT CLICK and look for "Parent’ in the menu, hover over this then click on “With Automatic Weights”

in this case just have the names of the bone/separated meshpart be the same (if you want the bone to be built into said meshpart once its imported to roblox anyway)

otherwise you should be pretty safe to separate the model into different parts without a problem.

press P on the selected parts in edit mode to seperate them

I have something like this

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You can use parts and physical constraints to simulate the actual physics then use the Run service to render the bone at the position and orientation of your simulation Parts every frame

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could u explain how u made it jiggle tho?