How do i create this Crater/Rock effect?

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
  • I want to create a crater effect similar to one in the video provided below, also i want to make the environment impact. Where all the trees and other objects get affected.
  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
  • I looked everywhere! but i just can’t seem to replicate it exactly.

This specific game is called “The Strongest Battlegrounds”, i’ve tried to make something similar but it doesn’t turn out the way i want it to.


When the effect should be emitted, also create a hitbox for the enviromental interaction beside the particle emmiters and the player damage hitbox, for the crater/rock effect there are multiple modules with which you can automatically create these kind of craters, if you want to find those, search on youtube or devforum for “rock module”. Quick devforum search led to this open sourced module: Rocks Module - Useful for Anime Games Skill Effects

For the enviromental interactions, i think you can make a touched event, and if the part has the name of the enviromental hitbox you spawn, then run the specific code for the interaction

but it doesn’t look that similar to the the strongest battlegrounds do you have another module that looks familiar?

Here’s a module i used before which looks exactly like TSB
RockModule4.rbxm (1.6 KB)

example usage:

require(PATHTOMODULE).RayCastEffect(,5,0), 10, 12, 40, 6, 6, 6, 20, 10, -7)


Reason why its because they dont use an open source module, and the module posted by frost would work really well if you want something that looks like tsb, but to make it look even more like it, i suggest you modify the module to be able to choose random rock sizes, like you give it a value and it can offset it slightly to make it look more natural
Another reason why is because they use custom textures for their map, not just roblox materials, which you can also do for your game