How do I de obfuscate a script?

Its crazy i spent 1500 robux for something completly different than what it wanted @NiniScripterXQc

Of my point of view, you seem to have been deceived by this user. The best thing to do is to report it.

I don’t know if you can get a refund. If you bought this with Robux, Roblox support might be able to help you. They may initially claim that you intentionally purchased this product, but explaining that you were deceived and, therefore, scammed may work in your favor.

I’m sorry that you were disappointed like this; it’s shameful to see users taking advantage of others in this way.

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Roblox should come up with something to reverse this… like a plugin if you have the license for it you can get it so it protects people both ways the creator and the purchaser

Yeah, that’s an interesting idea. If roblox allows us the posibility to sell models on the marketplace by adding images and/or videos to fully describe what you are looking to sell, this could facilitate scam detection and therefore reimbursement as well.

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Groups often obfuscate their code as it contains some kind of license checker preventing people from reselling and/or leaking, as only the one game is whitelisted. But if you’re purchasing this directly off a person then that shouldn’t be the case. If you’ve paid them to make this for you specifically you should be allowed to resell and do what you like with it. Just a thought

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No i bought it off one of the hubs im trying to get a ticket open to get the code for it now but im suprised there is no way to reverse this other than to spend hours decoding it and a college degree lol

Isn’t obfuscated code not even allowed on Roblox?


Yeah if you bought it off a hub then you won’t be getting the source code off them. What product were you buying? Depending on what it is you could probably find a developer who can make one for you

As others have probably said obfuscated code is against TOS, so you should probably report it. There are methods for de-obfuscating code in general but they are complicated. If you can research and figure out how this was obfuscated then the same tool should have a way to de-obfuscate.

surface level google suggests its probably this tool:

Found this in another post

Its only illegal if youpublish it that way to the public other than that obfuscated scripts are not against tos to use in your personal game


We tried to assist you and even offered live team create support in an attempt at making our system compatible with Xbox as you requested, even though it was not included in the initial product, yet you appeared to shun us away and showed nothing little of disrespect. We appreciate you shopping with us, however leaking and trying to deobfuscate the code included in our product goes strictly against our terms of use, and as a result, your license has been revoked.

The product not working is not a direct result of bugs caused in the code, but rather your lack of judgment when setting up the product that resulted in this. The product was designed to be set up with little to no effort and great ease so I am amazed at this mess up. We gave you numerous opportunities for a full refund, yet you insisted on receiving the source code which simply is not sustainable for us long-term.

We would like to note that obfuscated code on its own does not constitute a violation of the Roblox ToS unless it is used with malicious intent, for example fabricating server-sided exploits and such.

Again, thank you for shopping with us and we hope you understand our side of the

exavein - Chief Marketing, Communications, Administrative & Operating Officer.

(Refund not applicable due to violation of ToS)


The product he purchased was directly from our hub, the code is hidden as we mass distribute the product and hand out whitelists to customers. Many leakers and or other companies tend to distribute products which aren’t rightfully theirs hence the obfuscation.

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It will be excepted its against your terms of service but if your product is not what you claim it to be nothing ever said it cant be used on xbox also calling me a r tard for not setting it up right when i did and am using it now in my game its on your end brother not me dont worry reported you to roblox and also to discord and also flagged your post for hurrasement you call me names on discord and then ban me you never ofrered helped you all called me n words r tard rhe list

And i will be getting a refund and have you suspended for hurrasment trust me i got pics and screen shots

And funny i bought a product from you and you have rights to revoke is not logical

Thats theft and will be reoprting you for that

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So I got asked by roblox one more time to see if we can handle this like adults add me back to the discord dm me something and lets resolve this as it will go higher even though a refund is possible on certain circumstances also if they do that they will remove your product from the hub or you game will be marked for moderation And we both lose out i dont like being called names and there was no reason for it i did not need your assistance in setting it up. Then you go and blast me saying im stealing and leaking no i just wanted yhis to work for 1500 robux nothing said ever that this wouldnt work and funny thing is you never mentioned it was obfuscated or i would have never bought this to begin with i asked nicely multiple times to help and you call me a r tard is unexceptable in my eyes. I develop a game im not an idiot here or a r tard like you called me was beyound low i never called you names i opened a ticket and asked nicley for help

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