Ahh, I get what he’s trying to say. He’s saying I’m not checking if nhp is nil. He’s saying it as if I “removed” it, but I just misplaced the code from the right order.
The newCFrame should’ve been inside the block of if nhp.
while true do
local nhp = nearestHumanPos(parent:GetPivot().Position)
if nhp then
local newCFrame = CFrame.new(parent:GetPivot().Position, nhp)
AlignPosition.Position = newCFrame.Position
AlignOrientation.CFrame = newCFrame
elseif nhp == nil then
Alright, I tried the new one. 0 errors seem to show up, however, the eyeball’s orientation doesn’t change and lock onto targets.
I’d also like to know how to keep the HumanoidRootPart in place of the Welder part using AlignPosition. I have tried to do so, but it has failed. The eyeball keeps going down to the ground even when there are attachments.
The attachment should be parented to what’s controlling the entire eye, so maybe I should’ve been specific. How’s the properties of the both the AlignOrientation and AlignPosition looking?
AlignPosition and AlignOrientation are parented to HumanoidRootPart.
AlignPosition’s properties at “AlignPosition” are not checked off. For compliance, they are at default settings. For attachments, Attachment0 and 1 are HumanoidRootPart’s attachment.
AlignOrientation, however are at default settings, with the same attachments.
You can do that automatically if you set the properties to OneAttachment on both. The properties should be under AlignmentMode, just change it form TwoAttachment to OneAttachment.
I know that. It’s just now where should I parent AlignPosition and AlignOrientation, and the attachment? Even after being reduced to one attachment, the eyeball except for Welder is still dropping to the floor.