How do I delete images from my Decal Inventory/GameAssets Folder?

I don’t think this needs much clarification. Apologies if it does.

I have no idea where the rbxgameassets folder is located, whether on the site or Studio. I also couldn’t see any remove button in the decals inventory.

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The rbxgameassetid decal assets are on the decal page on the website and they have their name as Image/NAME_IN_STUDIO, however, you can’t delete images nor decals, sadly.

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Would that mean that, if someone physically gained access to your account, they could upload thousands of junk images? And you couldn’t delete them?


That could be true, yes. I wish they would allow deletion for assets, but roblox just apparently doesn’t allow it for some odd reason. To sum this up there was a feature request on this asking for being able to delete assets, but I don’t know if it has gotten anywhere. Please look at this thread for more information on it: Allow users to delete off sale assets from their inventory - #2 by buildthomas

Edit: Here is an original one from a while ago: Deleting Uploaded Assets